I've been wanting to start this blog for a while now, and I am so happy I've finally gotten around to it.
I have a cat...her name is Princess, but I call her Sparky. We adopted her when she was 6 weeks old, from a pet store. We didn't plan on adopting a kitten, we were just "Looking". But this kitten separated herself from the other kittens in her litter and meowed at us through the glass. Myself and my 3 daughters believe she was asking us to take her home.
2 days later she had her first Grand mal seizure. At first it was hard to tell what was happening, she was so tiny and seizures in cats that young is very very rare.
We took her home and she was fine for a few days. She would follow me everywhere and sit on my laptop. Then she had another seizure. She was so sick she was hospitalized for 4 days...day and night. We would have to transfer her to the all night vet hospital every night, and bring her back every morning.
After this second seizure she had a permanent shake in her head. She had smaller Petit mal seizeures and lots of head shaking over the next couple of weeks.
We discovered during this time that Sparky would purr very loud and kneed on a certain green baby blanket we owned. We nicknamed this "Lovey baby". For lovey Baby to work she would need someone to look at while she purred and kneeded. She would pick someone(Usually me) and meow at us until we followed her to the green blanket. Then she would do her thing.
At 9 weeks, I brought her back to the vet to get spade. My regular vet was away so there was a new vet who was unfamiliar with us. She said she would not operate on my cat because her head shaking was actually seizuring!! She took some blood tests and sent us home.
The next day, Sparky had another Grand Mal seizure. This time the new vet put her on phenobarbital. I would give her this pink liquid medicine twice a day. Almost immediately we saw results. The shaking nealy disappeared. Lovey baby episodes also increased to at least 3 a day.
I never did ger her spade. Some vets believe she may not make it through the operation. My regular vet is divided. Since she has out lived her life expectancy and is a healthy 3 year old cat, she is just fine the way she is. She does go into "heat" regularily. When in heat you can pat her and scratch her back (you CANNOT attempt this at any other time, with the exception of lovey baby times). We have to spend a few days of all night howling however, and my 2 neutered male cats follow her around watching her oddly.
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