Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cat TV

I'm just getting over the flu, so a few times in the past few weeks, I've rediscovered Cat TV. My dog watches it everyday with great interest... and from a safe distance.

At my house, Cat TV has 3 characters, with BITS being the main character. Bits is my 5 year old overweight Calico male. It might be becuase of his extra X chromosome, or just his personality, but he ALWAYS has to be the center of attention. Sparky has learned that she can beat up and push around the other cat and the dog, but not Bits. Bits would just hold her down and clean and groom her, even when she is loudly howling.

Back on topic... Cat TV. Everyone with at least One cat has it, but it is better when there is a dog. My dog would've been a psychologist if he was a human. He spends most of his waking in house hours watching Cat TV, with the usual host, Bits.

Cat TV is also better when there are birds outside. Lucky for us, our house is surrounded by trees, and we have lots of windows. The cat run from room to room watching the birds, sometimes making funny cat noises...with the exception of Sparky. Because of her brain damage from seizures as a kitten, she has less depth perception than other cats. A bird in the sky looks like its as close of the bird on the window ledge. Sometimes she goes completely retarded trying to catch the bird, and sometimes she watches them very quietly...like she's watching Bird Tv.

Last spring, my husband was away at sea, and I was downstairs in the laundry room. I heard a lot of comotion upstairs so I ran up to see what was going on. As I climbed the stairs, I noticed my dog outside my bedroom, watching Cat Tv. Uh oh. There was a lot of noise coming from my room. I could feel my heart racing and I started sweating. To my horror, when I looked in the bedroom, all 3 cats were hunting JUNE BUGS. One of the cats knocked out the screen tryng to get to a june bug pounding against it trying to get into the room, attracked by the light.

I closed the door shut and left the 3 of them in the room with the huge bugs. It took me about 3 minutes to calm down and think of what to do. Mike was away. 13 year old daughter was out. It was just me and the bugs. Even the dog sensed my fear and was gone from sight. On behalf of military spouces everywhere, I had to be brave.

Armed with fly swatters, and wearing a big zipped up sweater, I bravely entered the room. First thing, I closed the window so no more would get in. Bits was chewing on something...good one bug down. Sandy was digging behind my night stand...I took a look, and that bug was trapped but flopping around. I left Sandy to his work.

Sparky was sitting on the bed watching...Cat Tv. She had a dead June Bug beside her, but she was more interested in the other cats. On closer inspection, her bug was HUGE. About 3 cm long and laying on it's back. I had to get a picture (I tend to exaggerate, so I needed proof on how big this bug was!!) When I looked at the picture later on my computer, I noticed it had RED GLOWING EYES! No wonder sparky didn't eat it. Bits did eat it though, lol.

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